SVG and Older Browsers

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Ractive doesn't mind whether you're rendering HTML or SVG - it treats both the same way. Unfortunately, some browsers (notably IE8 and below, and Android 2.3 and below) do care.

If your template includes SVG, these browsers will throw an error along the following lines:

"This browser does not support namespaces other than The most likely cause of this error is that you're trying to render SVG in an older browser. See for more information"

Unfortunately, the only winning move is not to play. In other words, you will need to explicitly choose not to try and render SVG.

For example, you might do something along these lines:

// detect SVG support (thanks,
hasSvgSupport = document.implementation.hasFeature('', '1.1');

// note - as of Ractive 0.3.9, you can do this instead:
hasSvgSupport = Ractive.svg;

if ( hasSvgSupport ) {
  template = awesomeVectorGraphics;
} else {
  template = rubbishFallbackContent;

ractive = new Ractive({
  el: 'container',
  template: template