Magic mode

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Normally, you would update data using ractive.set(), ractive.animate(), or the array mutator methods.

If you're fortunate enough to be developing for modern browsers only, however, you have another option: magic mode. Magic mode uses ES5 accessors to allow you to do this:

var model = { message: 'hello' };

var ractive = new Ractive({
  el: container,
  template: 'message: {{message}}',
  magic: true,
  data: model

// instead of doing `ractive.set( 'message', 'goodbye' )`...
model.message = 'goodbye';

ES what?

ECMAScript 5 is the current version of the language more commonly known as JavaScript. Most ES5 features are widely supported in all current browsers.

One feature in particular, Object.defineProperty, allows us to define accessors, which are functions that get called when you get or set the value of a property on an object. For those curious, MDN has comprehensive docs.

(If you have to support IE8, or particularly old versions of Firefox or Opera, you may as well stop reading unfortunately. There's a compatibility table here. Don't be fooled by the 'yes' under IE8 - it's a broken implementation. Shocking, I know. Attempting to use magic mode in one of these browsers will cause Ractive to throw an error.)

Ractive, in magic mode, will wrap properties with accessors where necessary, saving you the work.

Why not to use it

Aside from the compatibility issue, there is a performance implication to be aware of. Wrapping and unwrapping properties isn't completely free, and using accessors (instead of direct property access) has a slight cost as well.

In the vast majority of cases this won't matter - we're talking fractions of milliseconds - but if you're really into performance, you might want to use the explicit ractive.set() approach. (Of course, you can still use the explicit methods when you're in magic mode.)

Also, be aware that if you have a situation like this...

<div style='color: {{color}}; opacity: {{opacity}};'>some content</div>

...then using ractive.set({ color: 'red', opacity: 0.5 }) would only cause one DOM update, whereas model.color = 'red' followed by model.opacity = 0.5 would cause two. Again, in most real-world situations that's not a problem.

Using magic mode with arrays

Magic mode only works with properties that Ractive already knows about. Which means that if you do this...

var items = [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ];

var ractive = new Ractive({
  el: container,
  template: myTemplate,
  magic: true,
  data: { items: items }
}); can't add items to the list by doing items[3] = 'd', for example. Instead, do items.push('d'), so Ractive becomes aware of the items[3] property.