Migrating to 0.7.x

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These migration notes are cribbed from the CHANGELOG. While we strive to minimise breaking changes, and to highlight the ones we do introduce, if you discover an undocumented breaking change please edit this page.

Migrating from 0.6.x

What's new

Components can now access their parents and containers using an official API.

Binding directives may be set on elements that support two-way binding. These directives override the settings on the Ractive instance for twoway and lazy.

Single-fire versions of ractive.on and ractive.observe are now available as ractive.once and ractive.observeOnce.

Inline partials can now be defined within a new section {{#partial partial-name}}...{{/partial}}. The old comment syntax is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

Inline partials are now scoped to their nearest element. If a partial reference sits in the template below an element with a matching inline partial, the inline partial will be used in the reference. This can be used as a sort of partial inheritance. If an inline partial is defined directly within a component tag or the root of the template, it will be added to the Ractive instance.

Components may now yield to multiple inline partials by supplying the partial name with yield e.g. {{yield some-name}}. Yielding without a name will still result in non-partial content being yielded. Only inline partials may be yielded. Any partials, including inline and inherited, may still be referenced within a component using a plain partial section e.g. {{>partial}}.

Partials can now be reset without resorting to manually un/re-rendering them using a wrapping conditional section. This can be done with the new resetPartial method on Ractive instances.

this.event is now available to method-call event handlers.

Regular expression literals can now be used in template expressions.

You can now escape mustaches with a '\' if you'd like them to appear in the template.

ractive.toggle now works with patterns.

The debug setting is no longer set per-instance. It has been replaced with Ractive.DEBUG, which defaults to true. You can set it automatically based on whether or not the your code has been minified with:

Ractive.DEBUG = /unminified/.test(function(){/*unminified*/});

Breaking changes and deprecation

Migrating from 0.5.x

Lifecycle events

Ractive instances now emit lifecycle events. If you use Ractive.extend(...) with init(), beforeInit() or complete(), you will need to replace them - they will continue to work, but will be removed in a future version.

init() can be replaced with one of the following methods, or you may need to split your code into both methods. Use onrender() for code that needs access to the rendered DOM, but is safe being called more than once if you unrender and rerender your ractive instance. Use oninit() for code that should run only once or needs to be run regardless of whether the ractive instance is rendered into the DOM.

The init() method also no longer recieves an options parameter as the ractive instance now inherits all options passed to the constructor. You can still access the options directly using the onconstruct() method.

beforeInit() and complete() can be replaced directly with onconstruct() and oncomplete() respectively.

See the lifecycle events page for more detail.

Other Breaking changes

Migrating from 0.4.x

Breaking changes