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Updates data and triggers a re-render of any mustaches that are affected (directly or indirectly) by the change. Any observers of affected keypaths will be notified.

A change event will be fired with keypath and value as arguments (or map, if you set multiple options at once).

The keypath can also contain wildcards pattern observers. All matching keypaths will be set with the supplied values:

ractive.on( 'selectAll', function(){
    ractive.set( 'items.*.selected', true );
} )

When setting an array value, ractive will reuse the existing DOM nodes for the new array, adding or removing nodes as necessary. This can impact nodes with transitions. See ractive.merge() for setting a new array value while retaining existing nodes corresponding to individual array item values.

ractive.set( keypath, value )

Returns a Promise (see Promises) that will be called after the set operation and any transitions are complete.

keypath String

The keypath of the data we're changing, e.g. user or user.name or user.friends[1] or users.*.status


The value we're changing it to. Can be a primitive or an object (or array), in which case dependants of downstream keypaths will also be re-rendered (if they have changed)

ractive.set( map )

Returns a Promise (see Promises) that will be called after the set operation and any transitions are complete.

map Object

A map of keypath: value pairs, as above