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Similar to ractive.set(), this will update the data and re-render any affected mustaches (and notify observers).

All animations are handled by a global timer that is shared between Ractive instances (and which only runs if there are one or more animations still in progress), so you can trigger as many separate animations as you like without worrying about timer congestion. Where possible, requestAnimationFrame is used rather than setTimeout.

Numeric values and strings that can be parsed as numeric values can be interpolated. Objects and arrays containing numeric values (or other objects and arrays which themselves contain numeric values, and so on recursively) are also interpolated.

If an animation is started on a keypath which is already being animated, the first animation is cancelled. (Currently, there is no mechanism in place to prevent collisions between e.g. ractive.animate('foo', { bar: 1 }) and ractive.animate('foo.bar', 0).)

ractive.animate( keypath, value[, options] )

Returns an Object with a stop method, which cancels the animation.

keypath String

The keypath to animate.

value Number or String or Object or Array

The value to animate to.

options Object

Settings for the animation. All properties are optional:

duration Number

Defaults to 400. How many milliseconds the animation should run for

easing String or Function

Defaults to 'linear'. The name of an easing function on Ractive.easing, or the easing function itself

step Function

A function to be called on each step of the animation. Receives t and value as arguments, where t is the animation progress (between 0 and 1, as determined by the easing function) and value is the intermediate value at t

complete Function

A function to be called when the animation completes, with the same argument signature as step (i.e. t is 1, and value is the destination value)

ractive.animate( map[, options] )

Returns an Object with a stop method, which cancels the animations.

map Object

A map of keypath: value pairs

options Object

As above.