Initialisation Options

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Create a new Ractive instance using the specified options. For example:

ractive = new Ractive({
  el: 'container',
  template: '<p>{{greeting}}, {{recipient}}!</p>',
  data: { greeting: 'Hello', recipient: 'world' }


template String or (if preparsing) Array or Object

The template to use. If this is a string, it must be valid (if meaningless, until rendered) HTML, otherwise this must be the output of Ractive.parse().

Alternatively, you can pass a string like #myTemplate - in this case, Ractive will use the contents of an element whose ID is myTemplate. See the 60 second setup for an example of this.


el HTMLElement or String or jQuery-like collection

The container element to render to, or a jQuery collection or string (see valid selectors).

data Object

the data to initialise with

partials Object

a key: value hash of partials that are specific to this instance, where key is the name of the partial (as referenced within templates as {{>myPartial}}), and value is either a valid template string or the output of Ractive.parse(). See Partials for more info

transitions Object

a hash of transition functions specific to this instance, referenced within templates using intro and outro attributes on elements. See Transitions for more info

complete Function

a function that will be called when render is complete (i.e. all intro transitions have finished. If there are no intro transitions, this function will be called as soon as the instance is created)

adaptors Array

See Adaptors

modifyArrays Boolean

Defaults to true. Whether or not to modify array mutator methods to enable frictionless data binding with lists (see array modification).

magic Boolean

Defaults to false. Whether or not to wrap data in ES5 accessors (see magic mode).

twoway Boolean

Defaults to true. Whether or not two-way data binding is enabled (see Two‐way binding).

lazy Boolean

Defaults to false. If two-way data binding is enabled, whether to only update data based on text inputs on change and blur events, rather than any event (such as key events) that may result in new data

append Boolean

Defaults to false. Whether to append the Ractive to el, or to overwrite the contents of el.

debug Boolean

Defaults to false. Whether to print console messages to help debug applications.

preserveWhitespace Boolean

Defaults to false. Whether or not to preserve whitespace in templates when parsing. (Whitespace in <pre> elements is always preserved.)

sanitize Boolean or Object

Defaults to false. If true, certain elements will be stripped from templates at parse time - <applet>, <base>, <basefont>, <body>, <frame>, <frameset>, <head>, <html>, <isindex>, <link>, <meta>, <noframes>, <noscript>, <object>, <param>, <script>, <style> and <title> - as will event attributes (e.g. onclick). Alternatively, pass in an object with an elements property containing an array of blacklisted elements, and an optional eventAttributes boolean (true means 'disallow event attributes').